As we kick off the New Year the Employment Team at Jacksons have plenty of events and activities planned to help support employers across the region and beyond with 2017 looking set to be a busy one. We will provide regular updates on all our events and activities across the region.
Stacey West, Solicitor, is hosting a Jump Leads networking event at Business Central Darlington on 26 January 2017 with John Harrison from Corporate Personal Fitness as our guest speaker. This will be an informative and topical talk particularly with many people making New Year’s resolutions focusing on health and fitness. This will be a unique talk in that it will focus on health and wellbeing in workplaces so will be ideal for business owners, managers and those with HR responsibilities. Places are still available so please contact Stacey on to reserve your place.
We are currently planning employment seminars in Teesside and Newcastle upon Tyne in March and October so keep a look out for more information and details on how to reserve your place.
We will continue posting regular employment law updates on our website. Please click here to read our most recent update, written by Julie Dalzell, Senior Associate.
Jacksons’ new charity committee was formed last autumn and we are busy planning plenty of activities and events to raise money and awareness for the principal charities we will be supporting this year. We will keep you posted on our activities and events.
We wish everyone a happy and successful year ahead.
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