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Monthly Archives: April 2017

Should civil partnerships be open to all couples?


There has been a sparked debate recently regarding the issue of couples being treated differently depending on whether they are a same sex-couple or a mixed-sex couple. The question asked was; “At the moment same-sex couples can get married or enter into a civil partnership but mixed-sex couples can only get married. In February 2017 […]

Legal Update – Long Term Sick Leave


In O’Brien v Bolton St Catherine’s Academy [2017] EWCA CIV145 the Court of Appeal gave some useful guidance to employers facing the question of when it becomes reasonable to dismiss an employee on long term sickness whose prospects of recovery are possible, but the timing of the recovery is unclear. This is an issue that […]

Jargon Buster – Notice of termination of employment


With the exception of contracts for a fixed term, notice is required to lawfully terminate a contract of employment other than in limited circumstances (discussed below). The source of information on the parties respective notice requirements is the contract of employment itself. A written contract will usually specify the length of notice which the employer […]

What rights do grandparents have to have access to their grandchildren?


Quite often, grandparents are denied the right to have access to their grandchildren and the question constantly arises, what are their rights? The unfair truth is that grandparents do not have an automatic right to contact with their grandchildren. However, it is becoming increasingly more common in courts to recognise the invaluable role that grandparents […]

The state is taking the rights away from parents


This is today’s reported comment of Mr Jon Platt. He has lost his case before the Supreme Court in which the decision means that parents cannot expect state schools to be flexible about permitting children to be removed from class attendance for social or pleasure reasons. Mr Platt challenged a fine imposed by his local […]

Commercial Property Update – Another case raising the question of whether a particular building is or is not “a house”


In an appeal brought by Grosvenor (Mayfair) Estate and Grosvenor West End Properties (the Landlord), the Court of Appeal considered whether an empty property (“the Property”) compromised a house and premises within the meaning of section 2 of the Leasehold Reform Act 1967. If the Property was classed as a house, the Tenant would be […]

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