This week, Gloucestershire County Council have come under fire as they were forced to apologise after an Ofsted report into its children’s services division found that “serious and widespread failures” were putting children at risk.
A four-week inspection regarding child protection and safeguarding in Gloucestershire uncovered inadequate management, failures to identify poor social work, failure to identify risks to children, poor quality and delayed assessments that left children exposed to danger, badly maintained case records and significant delays in starting care proceedings for the most needy children.
Gloucestershire council’s chief executive, Pete Bungard, recognised that there have been instances of poor case work, and said “We have 500 committed social work staff and I don’t think it’s their fault. They have been let down by poor leadership and practice.”
It has also been reported that the staff felt fearful of exposing poor practice and challenging their senior roles.
Unfortunately, many families within society need help from Children’s services. Jacksons deal with children matters everyday so if you require any assistance please contact Louisa Bestford on 0191 2069617 or Emma Canham on 0191 2069621.
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