Are you buying a drone as a present this Christmas?
Drones, or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), are being used more both for fun, but also by professionals – such as surveyors to look at the roof of a building.
There are legal implications which drone users will have to be alert to and changes to the law are coming.
The Civil Aviation Authority notes the Government’s announcement that drones weighing 250 grams and over will have to be registered and users will have to sit safety awareness tests. A formal consultation exercise has been ongoing and is aimed at European-wide regulation, which the UK Government most likely will adopt. The incidents of interference with aircraft around airports are too serious for there not to be action.
So the purpose of this short note is to flag up that inside the wrapping paper also should be a warning that regulations on flying is on its way for the user of a drone.
Also, if a drone carries a camera, its use is potentially covered by Data Protection law. Users should be alert to data collection provisions or privacy rights. People are much more alert to rights of protection about how any data obtained is stored or shared. Beware that social media posting of “over the garden fence”!
Finally, trespass can occur by flying of a drone over land in the ownership of another. Be careful as persistent interference can be actionable by the offended landowner!
Trust lawyers to thrust moderation onto festive fun!
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