All landlords of residential property should know that when granting an assured shorthold tenancy they should issue to the tenant a number of documents – Gas Safety Certificate, EPC – and the current version of the How to Rent booklet, prescribed by Government.
The How to Rent booklet was updated on 17 January 2018. While the changes are minimal, it is crucial that for all new assured shorthold tenancies that the “current “ How to Rent booklet is provided to the tenant, otherwise a later Section 21 Notice to terminate the tenancy will be invalid.
The rule for a ‘renewal’ tenancy is that the How to Rent booklet does not need to be provided again unless it has been updated in the meantime.
As it has been updated, the current version must be provided, otherwise a later Section 21 Notice will be invalid.
If you have any questions or would like to talk about any issues mentioned above, please contact Les Brown at lbrown@jacksons-law.com or call him on 0191 2069624. Les advises landlords and tenants of commercial property and he has built up relationships with providers of residential property. He is regularly invited to make presentations to private landlord associations and works with a number of social landlords on the tricky aspects of their housing management operations.
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