How mediation can help resolve family disputes without the need for Court.
Many families struggle through difficult times whether this be parents going through divorce proceedings or couples who separate and argue over contact of their children. Often people are initially scared of approaching a solicitor and believe that the intimidating process of court is their only option however mediation can be a successful and more informal way of achieving an agreed outcome.
After a relationship breakdown, discussions about dividing property and future care for children can become very emotional. This is when people may need to use a more formal mediation process with an accredited Family Dispute Resolution practitioner.
Mediation can be a great way of attempting to resolve disputes between people in conflict and is used in most cases before any application is sent to the court. Mediation is usually facilitated by an independent person and families are encouraged to use family mediation to help resolve their disputes in the hope of avoiding the family law courts. The independent person will discuss with the parties what each party would like to work towards and attempt to negotiate a fair and reasonable outcome for them.
When disputes can’t be resolved by mediation or the involved solicitors, the matter may need to go to a court for a judge to make decisions. Going to court is a stressful and expensive process and the aim of mediation is to avoid the situation reaching this point. At Jacksons we pride ourselves on being Resolution members and working towards the best settlement without the need of court proceedings in the most amicable way possible however court sometimes in the only option.
If you require any assistance regarding family issues please do not hesitate to contact Emma Canham on 0191 2069621 or Heather Snowdon on 01642 873745.
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