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Co-parenting in a time of crisis

Posted on 9th April, 2020

In the last few weeks, every parent across the land has seen a huge change to their lives.   The impact of the corona virus is affecting everything from health to wealth and from school to social gatherings. At this time, the pressure on parents may seem overwhelming.  This applies equally to parents still together and those parenting apart.

Children may have questions that are impossible to answer and may wonder why they are not spending time with high risk family members or friends. Parents find themselves in the role of teacher, financial pressures come from numerous unexpected directions; e.g. increased food and fuel bills due to being at home; reduction in income due to shorter hours.

At Jacksons Law Firm we are aware of the many issues that can be a flash point for those parenting together and those parenting apart.

Our Family Law Department recommends taking a little time out to consider how to manage child care, home schooling, ground rules for children social distancing and work commitments. Make a list of key points that you each want to consider.   Any agreed points can be formulated into a parenting agreement.  Input from the entire family can support your family in addressing key concerns and working together to support each other. It can also add reassurance to younger family members that they are being listened to.  Writing agreements out allows everyone to refer back to the agreement and it can be updated as required.

A parenting agreement cannot stop an epidemic, it cannot fill an income gap, but it CAN give some measure of control and stability to families struggling to cope with a new reality. It also represents persuasive evidence should that ever be required.

If you would like to discuss a parenting agreement, contact Heather Snowdon; or Emma Canham; or call 01642 356500/0191 2322574.

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