The Government’s relaxation of the COVID-19 lockdown measures regarding the housing market will be a very welcome relief to families across the nation.
This move will have a far reaching impact, from couples buying together for the first time to those who are facing relationship breakdown.
Many people have found themselves in relationship limbo during this time. This adds pressure even in a strong relationship.
Now you can finalise plans to move in together, we strongly recommend you consider a cohabitation agreement (if you are not marrying) or a pre-nuptial agreement (if you have set the date).
Due to lockdown, many people at the end of their relationship have been forced to share a home with an estranged partner, during a national crisis with no clear end in sight. This adds massively to the volatility of the situation and increases the risk of domestic abuse.
We can assist you with practical advice regarding separation, including advice on divorce, financial settlement, child arrangements and the protection available to you.
If you would like to discuss this further with one of our family solicitors, we offer a free initial appointment. Contact Heather Snowdown at hsnowdon@jacksons-law.com or Emma Canham at ecanham@jacksons-law.com or call 01642 356500/0191 2322574.
Heather Snowdon, Solicitor and Head of Family Department at Jacksons Law Firm
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