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Monthly Archives: August 2020

To fly or not to fly?..

To fly or not to fly?..


The risk of quarantine and having to self-isolate upon return from holiday . Matthew Rowlinson, Solicitor, Employment I love travelling and visiting new places a lot so being in lockdown has just made me want to get away even more, but unfortunately, Covid19 does not make the best travel companion and I have seen two […]

Jacksons Law Firm supports inaugural Tees Tech Awards

Jacksons Law Firm supports inaugural Tees Tech Awards


The team at Jacksons is delighted to be have been given the opportunity to support the Inaugural Tees Tech Awards by sponsoring the small business category. The Tees Tech awards have been organised by Dave Allen, Martin Walker and the team at Tees Business in association with DigitalCity and Middlesbrough Digital. It has been set […]

Furlough | Common questions relating to pay

Furlough | Common questions relating to pay


The Government’s guidance on the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) ( has struggled to keep up with the myriad of queries that keep cropping up as the weeks and months go by for those on furlough. Firstly, there was the interaction of holiday and holiday pay for those on furlough. The Government guidance quite early […]

Business adjustments and compliance during COVID-19

Business adjustments and compliance during COVID-19


The COVID-19 global pandemic is undoubtably a defining event of 2020 and its effects are likely to continue throughout the decade. As the situations continues to change, from the amount of people being deemed safe to gather in a single place to ordering certain businesses to open or close their doors, there are two distinct […]

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