As I write this blog I have one eye on the front garden in case the neighbourhood children dressed up as ghosts and witches, cats and wizards, skeletons and the latest Disney character come calling in search of sweets. It is Halloween a love it or hate it festival which has been imported from the U.S. It is of course a lot of fun to carve pumpkins and dress up and the little kids do look very sweet. Understandably though where older groups go roaming the neighbourhood some vulnerable people do feel vulnerable and there are always areas of trouble where the whole thing gets out of hand.
This led me in a casual way to wonder about any laws relating to this type of event. In this country of course pranks that could cause damage to property are viewed as a criminal offence. It is also against the law to throw eggs or flour as this is classed as anti-social behaviour and penalties can include a police visit, fine and criminal record. Taking this further anti-social behaviour can also incur civil penalties such as acceptable behaviour contracts, antisocial behaviour orders, tenancy enforcement actions and evictions. All seems rather serious for a few free candies!
Crossing the pond though and things get a little more wacky in places ( recent events would never have led us to suspect that would they) so thought for a little light relief this week I would share some of the more bizarre U.S Halloween laws with you!