What is it about Christmas that makes us all tackle life like a military operation? You cannot go anywhere at the moment without someone politely asking “Are you ready for Christmas?” and everyone is wandering around with a to do list which would normally take months to tick off but because we are in early December and forcing ourselves into a super-human frenzy will all be done by dinner on the 24th!
My own personal list is looking like this:-
- Christmas presents – almost done – thank heavens for internet shopping
- Office Christmas cards – done
- Office party – booked
- Office lunch – delegated but arranged!
- Family Christmas weekend away – booked for London next weekend and train, restaurant reservations and activates all reserved.
- Personal Christmas cards – not started even the oversees ones
- Food shopping – going to relatives – phew!
Why is it though that it is so important that this one day of the year runs like clockwork but we do very little planning for other aspects of our life that could be far more significant. As lawyers we spend much time dealing with “what ifs” and are often accused of looking at everything from a worst case scenario. However, people who worry about having enough sprouts on the 25th do not seem to concern themselves about having lasting powers of attorney in case someone needs to make financial or health and welfare decisions on their behalf, business owners debate the wine list for the Christmas party but do not put in place shareholders agreements to cover possible eventuality of a major shareholder wanting to sell while others don’t or tragically dying or being off work for a serious length of time. Likewise, many businesses spend hours training their staff in health and safety matters but do not record policies and keep training records, vital should an accident occur to prove the company acted responsibly. People debate for days what colour jumper to buy their loved one for Christmas but do not write a will so that their partner inherits their share of the joint residential property in the event of their death.
I wonder why this is? Whilst many people find Christmas stressful it is much easier to think about stockings and mince pies, crackers and mulled wine than our own demise or serious illness. However, by not thinking about these things we are leaving at risk those we hold most dear. It is December and in amongst the to do lists there is so much to enjoy. We would be mad not to get caught up in the familiar jingles and rituals and to enjoy this time of goodwill with our loved ones around us. However, when we have cleared up the wrapping paper, eaten the last of the turkey and swept up the pine needles as we look forward to peace and prosperity in 2017, we should start a to do list for our lives and make sure we have put everything in order. Then we can carry on and enjoy all that life has to offer knowing if the worst comes to the worst we have done our best to protect those we love and the things we have worked so hard to provide for them.
If anything in this article has made you think about what you should do, ring the specialists at Jacksons for a no obligation discussion. We are here to help.