I’ve been amazed by the social media comments and articles in the media, on International Women’s Day, written by some really inspirational women around the globe who have achieved great things. Closer to home, it was interesting to read an article in the Journal that women-led businesses generated £49m and created 2,600 jobs in 2015, in Newcastle alone! Some of my colleagues at Jacksons’ have been out and about this week attending various events for women based in the North East and have come back ‘buzzing’ after listening to some of the successful women in our region.
Following on from all of the activity this week, I have invited my colleague Emma Canham to write an extra blog on the subject of women in the workplace which includes comments from other colleagues who work at Jacksons:
This week I attended the International Women’s Day in Sunderland along with the head of the matrimonial department Louisa Bestford which is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. Here we are pictured above with one of the speakers, Tina Young from Barking Mad.
This was an event celebrating the championing success of Females in the workplace with various speakers who are passionate about the North East Region and who have become successful despite their hurdles along the way. The aim was to show the importance of women at work and what can be achieved for people who decide to go it alone or work within corporate environment. Each story was different yet the message was the same, DO NOT GIVE UP OR DOUBT YOUR ABILITY! It is so refreshing to see that women everywhere are being recognised for their own ability and this is highlighted by the very public celebration of women in ‘this girl can’.
There are many women around the North East who have entered the business domain and many employers who welcome women professionals and Jacksons Law is no exception. I took time to speak with some of my female colleagues who are at different levels within the firm who gave me a powerful insight to how they felt being a professional woman within this successful law firm.
“Within the profession the female ratio to male colleagues is increasing and in my particular field of Residential Conveyancing I would certainly say that in my opinion females now outnumber males. It is with great pleasure whenever we interview a female candidate for employment that I am able to wholeheartedly reply to the question “what prospects would I have with the firm” with a resounding endorsement that the majority of the female partners have worked their way to Partnership on their merits and achievements as dedicated lawyers.” -Terry Saffin, Partner
“I would say that as a female solicitor I find the role challenging yet rewarding. I think particularly on the commercial side we are often faced with male counterparts on transactions and I believe the ratio of males to females in the corporate world is greater but this seems to be changing over time… I have never felt that being a female in Jacksons has suppressed my career opportunities and Jacksons as a firm certainly treats male or female staff equally and both are provided with the same opportunities.” – Erica Turner, Partner
“It is obvious that this is a firm where everyone is judged on their merit as opposed to gender and promotions are based on ability alone. This ethos is evident not only at Partnership/ Managerial level, but at every level within the firm including the Trainees.” – Sophie Lynas, Trainee Solicitor
“To me Jacksons represents a diverse environment with a large number of females in senior roles which I have found to be really inspiring and something which I am proud to be a part of.” – Jessica Clark, Trainee Solicitor
“I can say that I do feel supported and respected as a woman within the legal profession. I do believe that the “old boys club” mentality that once dominated the legal professional is significantly declining.” – Charlotte Alexander, Paralegal
Women have come a long way since the first International Woman’s day 106 years ago and we are now finding that we are much closer to equality with men. We met with an inspirational speaker at the event, Tina Young who has faced great difficulties in life however has fought though the tough times and become a powerful successful woman who runs her own business “barking mad”. We asked Mrs Young what advice she would give young females and she said that we must remember ‘it is your life, do what is right for you, success is measured differently by each of us.”
There may be sacrifices in life which we may have to make, a prime example being balancing motherhood against a career, however as long as we remain positive and driven then there is nothing stopping us from becoming as successful as we strive to be. Don’t give up at the first hurdle and celebrate all the successes along the way no matter how small they are. Believe in yourself as generally “the only limits in life are the ones we give ourselves”.
Emma Canham
Solicitor in the matrimonial department