While acting for all types of businesses and organisations at Jacksons one of the areas where we have developed particular expertise is the healthcare sector. We have been advising senior managers from this sector for over 40 years including GP practices, dentists, surgeons, NHS trusts, pharmacies and opticians. Whilst many of the issues that this sector encounter are the same as many others in terms of dealing with their property and contracts, employing staff and sorting disputes many issues are specific and require specialist knowledge from the types of NHS contracts GP practices can have, the relationship with their out of hours provider, the arrangements many have with NHS Property Services for their properties and rent reimbursement and the specific contracts of employment and TUPE needs when practices merger or are transferred to a new body.
In addition to acquiring the specialist knowledge required to advise clients in this sector we at Jacksons have also spent time developing the relationships with other professionals who provide advice to this sector so we can guide and direct our clients to all of the specialist professional services they might need at any time. We work hard at getting to know our clients aware that the demands on their time are numerous so we must be flexible in our approach and the times of our meetings. We are regularly seen at practice partners meetings both over lunchtime or in an evening when our clients have the time to get together and to discuss with us their plans and the issues that arise from these without the “day job” interfering.
We spend time sending newsletters and ensuring clients are made aware of changes in the law which might affect their businesses and advise regularly on the update of business policies. We can draw on specialist lawyers form all of our commercial teams and have even got our very own health and safety consultant available for risk assessments and training.
With all of this in mind we are delighted next month to be providing a free seminar partnered with the healthcare team at RMT Accountants to be held in the Doxford Suite at Sunderland BIC on Thursday 12th October between 12:00pm – 14:00 pm with lunch provided. There will be presentations on employment, property, the new commercial leases, TUPE and the forthcoming changes to our data protection law as a result of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). There will the opportunity to meet with our lawyers and the accountants of RMT informally to raise queries or discuss options. If you are involved in the healthcare industry in any way you are very welcome at this event. Places can be booked by contacting Caroline Noble at cnoble@jacksons-law.com or calling 01642 873722.
We look forward to seeing you there.