Within law firms today it is not enough to have highly trained lawyers providing technical advice, we need to be continually looking at changes required to procedures or technological advances. However, at Jacksons we recognise that the most important thing in our business are our staff, because it is these people who provide to our clients the excellent client care that we strive for.
It does not matter what team you work in and how often you speak to or see clients, every person in the firm has a part to play in delivering the first class client service we strive for.
We believe that we provide an excellent client service, but we are not naïve enough to think that it could not be better and that there are not things that we could learn to make it better, or to understand more fully the needs of our clients.
For this reason, the partners have committed to putting everyone within the firm through an online training course in customer care. This course will be undertaken by all of our lawyers and support staff. We are being supported through this process by Learning Curve, one of our clients who provide a multitude of learning opportunities to businesses and individuals within our business. They have attended our offices, and we have engaged in their induction process and now we need to do the work. This is not going to be easy as everyone is busy, but having made this commitment we will find the time for everyone to complete this course and I know we will gain considerable insight in the process. We are grateful to Learning Curve for giving us this opportunity and we will look forward to discussing the process with them, and explaining the highs and lows of our experience.
To support this learning, we will also be conducting a series of talks for our staff so that they can consider the needs of specific client groups and better support clients with particular needs. You may have read the blog our solicitor, Angie Papprill wrote a couple of weeks ago about Dementia Friendly training. Further sessions will be completed throughout the year to cover other topics in this way.
We appreciate that this training will not mean that every client experience is perfect, although that is what we are striving to achieve. We know that we cannot guarantee that and that there will not, unfortunately from time to time be complaints. However, we can do everything within our power to ensure that we do our best to minimise such matters and to handle issues when they arise in the best way possible, to provide a satisfactory outcome to all.
The emphasis on training this year is something new and we are keen to see our results. We will be monitoring the effect of this training on our service, and will no doubt be discussing this in future blogs to come.
Watch this space!