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Students and voluntary work

Posted on 25th February, 2019

This week, Trainee Emily Robertson looks back at her time as a student and the volunteering work she did whilst studying at university. 

These days, in her role as Jacksons as work experience supervisor, Emily works closely with students, giving them an insight to what it is like working for a busy law firm.

Student Volunteering Week runs from 11th -19th February each year and has been running for 18 years. During student volunteering week, students from Higher Education Institutions hold events to support various charities and initiatives. My former university Newcastle University took part in litter picking and food bank collections throughout the week.

As a student I participated in a number of volunteering schemes to help out my local community and to gain more of an insight into a legal career. During my time at Newcastle University I volunteered at the Citizens Advice Bureau. This involved working on reception and answering telephone calls from people with various issues who could not afford legal advice. This allowed me an insight into the potential clients I would meet in the future and be able to help people out who were struggling.

Due to my enjoyment of my time at the Citizens Advice Bureau when I moved to Leeds to undertake my Legal Practice Course, I volunteered at the Personal Support Unit at Leeds Combined Court. The Personal Support Unit is in place to help people to fill in court forms and attend court with clients if they are feeling nervous. My time at the Personal Support Unit was invaluable in teaching me the manner in which I should deal with clients especially when they are feeling distressed.

Whilst my volunteering experiences took time away from my studies, they gave me a good foundation on which to enter the legal profession. This is something I often tell students when they attend the firm for work experience placements.
Jacksons is dedicated to providing work experience opportunities to students in the local area. We offer placements to students from the age of 14 up to their LPC year.

We feel that it is important for students to gain a hands-on experience, so they are able to make an informed choice about a career in law.

During their time at Jacksons, students will observe client meetings and court appearances as well as drafting documents and writing articles. As supervisor, I try to give students an experience as close to a real day as a trainee solicitor as is possible. In my role as a Private Client trainee, I often have face to face meetings with clients that students can attend and then attempt to draft mock documents. I find that students relish the opportunity to be able to meet clients face to face and listen to their legal issues.

As a firm, Jacksons often recruit from work experience placements. Associate Solicitor and my manager, Helen Milburn began her career at Jacksons as a work experience student. Following her LPC, she attended Jacksons for a work experience placement to gain an insight into the inner workings of a law firm. Following her placement she was offered a permanent position and has progressed through the firm to become an Associate Solicitor and joint head of the Wills, Trusts and Probate department.

Further, Rebecca Logue, one of the current cohort of trainee solicitors who often helps out with work experience students began her time at Jacksons as a work experience placement.

Jacksons works closely with schools in the area to increase our visibility amongst potential work experience placements. We often attend Careers Fairs and give presentations on how to become a solicitor.

If you are interested in a work experience placement with Jacksons Law Firm, please visit Work Experience at Jacksons Law Firm – Jacksons Law Firm (

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