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Since 1876

Cohabitating Couples

Posted on 17th April, 2019

In the last twenty years, the number of cohabitating couples has almost doubled.

There are an infinite number of reasons for couples to choose to live together rather than marry.

However, there is often an imbalance regarding assets and income. It is important to remember that the starting point for the courts on separation of cohabitees is the same as the civil court approach, treating parties who may have lived together for many years in the same way and under the same legal process as those who are completely unrelated.

If you are considering living together, you may wish to detail the ownership of assets and expectations of parties down on paper by entering into a cohabitation agreement. Although not legally binding, it can be treated as valuable evidence by a judge considering your case in the future.

If your relationship is coming to an end, you should obtain advice on ownership of property and assets, as well as the time each parent spends with children.

You may encounter domestic abuse and we can support you providing advice in how to protect you and your family. Alternatively, there may be a dispute about who should live where. We can assist you by negotiation or, if necessary, by application to court.

If you would like to explore these issues further, our family department offers initial 30 minutes free appointments to discuss your case. Please contact us on 01642 356500 or by emailing Heather Snowdon or Emma Canham to arrange an appointment.

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