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Flexible hours and how it is working for a young mum at Jacksons

Posted on 19th October, 2020

This week, Beckie Talbot, from our accounts department talks about how flexible working helps her keep on top of all things financial at Jacksons, whilst looking after her toddler and studying for exams!

When I started at Jacksons Law Firm in 2017, I was a full time Legal Cashier working Monday to Friday during normal office working hours. In mid 2019, I spent a short time on maternity leave before I decided to return to work. Knowing that Jacksons is a family friendly firm, who encourages flexible working, I discussed my options with my manager and employer who were happy for me to return working more flexibly.  It was agreed, and in the best interest for all, to do this from home. My initial contracted hours were 25 hours from Monday – Sunday, which shortly after increased to 30 hours a week.

The firm was also flexible with my return date, which was initially the beginning of June. I felt this was the perfect time to return to the working environment and for my son to start nursery, as he would soon be turning one.  This would also allow me to free up some time so that I could restart my company funded AAT qualifications that were put on hold last year. However, my return to the office was delayed due to the Global Pandemic.  As I had already adjusted to working remotely, this did not have much of an impact on me.

Fortunately, the role I have at Jacksons involves mainly credit control and billing and allows me the flexibility to work from home whilst looking after my son. My hours are mostly done well into the night or early in the morning and sometimes are very hard to fit in, and I could not do it without taking advantage of Grandparent duties! Admittedly, most Sunday afternoons and evenings are spent at the desk, in front of the laptop, getting the last of the week’s hours in ready to start a fresh week on the Monday, but Jacksons understands this and trusts me to complete my hours when I can. If you’re lucky enough to do a job you enjoy, the late nights aren’t that bad!

Although I work different hours from my team, we still keep in touch by having daily morning meetings through Teams to catch up and discuss which tasks need to be fulfilled. My manager Amie Callan ensures that I always feel  part of the team and calls or emails to keep me in the loop. Our managing partner, Jane Armitage organises virtual monthly communication meetings and weekly email bulletins, sharing good news stories and updates.  Some of the staff set lunch time challenges, which are important in keeping everyone connected and feeling part of the Jacksons family whilst keeping up moral, especially during lockdown.

If you are lucky enough to have a job, and an employer that allows you to work from home in a flexible manner, I would definitely recommend it.

Beckie Talbot, Legal Cashier



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