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Piecing the puzzle together

Posted on 4th January, 2021

Happy New Year everyone from the partners and staff at Jacksons. We hope you had a peaceful and enjoyable Christmas even if it was different from what you expected. I know we are all hoping that 2021 is better than 2020 and we are sure it will be. There is light at the end of this very long covid tunnel.

Whilst optimistic though we are very conscious how awful this pandemic has been and continues to be for many families and businesses. We are also very aware that for our key workers the next few months look very difficult and they will need all of their resilience to get through. We need to do everything we can to help them by following the rules and supporting them in any way we can. We need them to know how grateful we are and how much they are appreciated. We need also to look after each other and remember how hard all of this is for many people and give them our understanding and a listening ear.

Whilst for business in the North East there are many positives –  there are vaccinations being distributed for covid and whatever your politics, the Brexit deal means at least some certainty. We know also, there are many plans for our region which will boost the economy and create jobs but we need to get to these calmer waters and after the last year, sometimes it feels like the tunnel is endless.

Christmas in our household was not as we had anticipated and without the family and friends who usually fill our house, Mr A and I have been entertaining ourselves. One of the things we have been tackling is a really tricky jigsaw puzzle. It has been a really exciting Christmas! However, I think that the way that we have tackled this puzzle and the way we need to get through the next few months have much in common. At first sight, when we tipped the pieces out, the puzzle looked impossible but by the time we had sorted the edges and then different colour groups we could see some sort of way to begin. By breaking down the task we could see that there were some things we could sort and piece together. At times it looked like we were stuck but then there were moments of breakthrough when a number of pieces slotted together and the puzzle began to take shape. Working together, progress was quicker than it would have been alone and it was companiable. In many ways, the puzzle is not getting any easier but the issues to tackle are reducing and the number of pieces to sift and choose from are reducing. We know that sometime this month, or may be next, we will get this finished and then we will be rewarded with a beautiful picture and a sense of achievement.

I think January will be very much like this puzzle. At this point in time helping everyone through tier 4 or 5, or lockdown if it happens ,while supporting family and friends and ensuring our business continues to thrive and our clients receive excellent service seems like an immense mountain to climb but if we break down the tasks, work together and keep taking steps in the right direction we will get there and as restrictions ease there will be much joy.

We need to hold on to the picture we are aiming for and strive to get there.

At Jacksons, we are all here for anyone who needs our help and guidance in terms of legal matters but also for anyone wanting to talk or share challenges. We are happy to sit down remotely if necessary, and help you with a “tricky corner or a hard bit of sky”. We anticipate the end of restrictions with joy and we can’t wait to celebrate that joy with all of you. Hang on in there 2021 is going to be good!

Jane Armitage, Managing Partner

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