The Event
Are you a young professional in the North East area? If so, The NEtwork is THE event for you.
The NEtwork is an event hosted by the young professionals at Jacksons Law Firm. It takes place on the last Thursday of every month starting at 16.30pm and finishes at 17.30pm on Zoom.
Each month breakout rooms are provided where the attendees are spilt into groups for 15 – 20 minutes to meet, catch up and have a “chat”. The event has a different speaker each month to help young people develop the knowledge that they need learn and enhance new skills.
The NEtwork this month
On 27th May, Zoe Tweddle, HR Manager at Jacksons Law Firm, will be giving tips for applying for jobs, writing a great CV and making a lasting impression at interview. This is an event you do not want to miss out on.
This event is not just for lawyers and we encourage every young professional in the North East to be involved in The NEtwork.
What is the purpose of The NEtwork?
This NEtwork was launched in October 2020 during Lockdown so that young professionals can meet other young people, including their peers, and help them build up their network of contacts who will hopefully become friends and future work referrers.
Each month our guests will take away key tips to help them develop skills in a number of different areas including networking, presentations, marketing and business development, writing social media content, managing finances, how to deal with mental health issues, etc.
Guest numbers continue to grow each month, however we are keen to expand the group further. The event started during the Coronavirus Pandemic and we have been hosting it via Zoom. However, as restrictions are starting to ease, we are considering hosting our events in person in the near future. We will keep you updated in this regard.
We are the future
We are the future and starting to build contacts in our early professional careers will only enhance our position going forward. There aren’t many events around at the moment that cater for young professionals whilst providing essential knowledge to improve our everyday working life.
In June, our speaker is TwentyTwenty Financial Solutions who will be giving advice on ‘buying your first home’ and ‘securing a mortgage’. We know that this is a topic a lot of young people will be interested in as they consider buying their home for the first time. This is a great topic and it will be useful to hear tips on what is considered to be quite a complex area to understand.
Why Do I Enjoy The NEtwork
I am currently a legal secretary whilst studying with Cilex Law to become a Legal Executive. I have found that when attending other networking events there are a lot of professionals who are experienced, and all seem to know one another really well. The NEtwork however, includes young professionals from various sectors, who are in a similar position and who are all keen to meet new people and increase their contacts.
I have personally met some great people whom I would not have met if The NEtwork wasn’t available.
I also really enjoy speaker’s topics. Jenni Smith of Networking Knowwho was the guest speaker at our first ever event and she gave us some great networking tips. These tips have really helped me and I will continue to use them when I meet people at online events and hopefully in person soon.
The NEtwork is a great platform to have discussions with other professionals who are going through their exams and I have found it comforting to know how other people are managing to work full time whilst studying.
I would really recommend this event to anyone who is starting out in the career or who is wanting to expand their contacts while learning valuable skills.
We are busy planning future events and considering speakers and topics. If you have an idea for a topic, please feel free to contact me at We are also looking for any ideas of when and where people would like to attend this event in person so please let us know!
Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you would like to be involved. We look forward to seeing you all at the future events.
Charlotte Barugh, Legal Secretary, Jacksons Law Firm