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Since 1876

New beginnings with old friends

Posted on 18th October, 2021

It is now just over three months since I stepped down as managing partner of Jacksons and became a consultant. It has certainly been a period of change and adaption for me at least.

When I stepped down from a job that I had loved, I did describe it a bit like dropping your child off at university for the first time. You are so proud and you want everything to be perfect for that child but there is a sudden realisation as to how much you will miss them and that you are letting them go. My change of role at Jacksons had been planned for some time, and I knew the firm was in really safe hands to grow and prosper, but at the moment of change it did feel like I was leaving my baby to fend for itself.

Over the last few months though, I have been so proud of how well the firm is doing, of the new apprentices and other staff members, of new initiatives and development, of the work being done and the awards won. None of this is a surprise – Jacksons has been around since 1876 and seen many changes in its time and had many different managing partners, with many more to come. Each person privileged to take this role brings something different to the table – new ideas, new approaches and different styles and this develops the firm and helps to broaden its outlook and reach. As the firm faces new challenges, it is adaptable to change where needed and to move with the ever changing times that we live in. This is never more evident than at the moment when gradually the world opens up after the pandemic and we find our new norm and begin to meet face to face again and open up our offices. Who could ever have predicted that so much time would be spent considering the safety and future of office attendance and our interactions with the business community, and whether it is correct to shake hands or nod at each other, or fist pump or hug. We are, by nature, sociable beings but we are all aware that as we emerge from our enforced lockdown we have varying concerns and views and insecurities which need to be considered and respected.

And, as the world has been changing I too have been adapting to my new role. I have got used to letting go of the reins but am here whenever I can be of help or assistance. I have learnt that there are new joys for my business life in that there is now time to sit with clients and listen to them and talk about how we can work with them without that nagging feeling that there are 101 other things you should also be doing, there are opportunities to meet with business contacts and to really find out what they are doing and how they see the future and the challenges and opportunities they have and there is chance to work on projects for the firm with time to research fully and spend time considering and developing ideas. Even better, there is the time to engage with some projects for causes in the area which are close to my heart and that I feel passionate about – time to give back, pay it forward.

I guess therefore, that if I was to consider my current position I would have to say I feel very fortunate. Fortunate that I am still part of the Jacksons’ team and can work with and support this great firm and more particularly, the people who make it.  Fortunate this firm is giving me the flexibility that I need at this stage of my career as it was when I first joined and tried to juggle work and family, fortunate that I am still part of the Tees business community which is so vibrant and supportive, and fortunate that this allows me the opportunity to give back to this community and the region as a whole which has supported and embraced and welcomed me ever since I moved here as a young Mum in the early nineties. This has been a period of change, but with it have come opportunities and for that, I for one, am very grateful.

Jane Armitage

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