Christmas brings financial and emotional pressure to most of us and it can be easy to lose the sight of the real message. What is the real message? It depends on who you ask! In my view, it is to enjoy time with your nearest and dearest and hope they appreciate you in return. And most importantly, don’t go off the deep end if Santa doesn’t get it right.
Arguments about who bought what for whom and why, who stole the last mince pie, who put on the better buffet, who won at monopoly, who had too much Christmas spirit and the many negative reactions we can all feel at this high pressure time when squeezed into four walls and forced to endure our loved ones will probably be exacerbated by contrast to the very quiet festive period forced upon us last year due to Covid restrictions.
Expectations are high, time is limited, credit cards are buckling under the pressure. There is one certainty, it will be all over and done with in a few weeks so relax, enjoy and make the most of the festive period.
This time of year can prove too much for many families, and online divorce petition statistics for December 2020 indicated 455 people petitioned online for divorce over the Christmas period. Couples who have been struggling to agree on a vast range of issues from child care to finances and everything in between can feel pushed to the limit at this time of year.
2022 will see the introduction of no-fault divorce, and it is to be hoped that this will take some of the angst out of the divorce process, allowing couples to agree the marriage has run its course without fault finding.
The family team at Jacksons Law Firm is happy to offer initial free advice on all aspects of divorce and separation and can offer appointments before the Christmas break. We can help you with advice on separation, divorce and parenting disputes so don’t hesitate to contact Jacksons family law team for supportive and pragmatic advice by emailing or call 01642 356500/0191 2322574.