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Brexit, Northern Law Awards and a Blocked Sink! – a busy week at Jacksons.

Posted on 27th June, 2016

Well, it has been quite a week …

Jane ArmitageIt started with us all being in the dark more literally for us at Jacksons than most when our lights fused and has ended with a vote to leave the EU. Being managing partner of a firm this size can mean one minute you are discussing with a client their multi-million pound purchase and the next you are trying to find a volunteer to unblock the sink in the kitchen. What you can say is it is never dull.

It has been a busy week . A quick trip to London meant 4 hours on the train – got lots of work done away from the office so may have to do this more often! On Wednesday we exhibited at NEPIC Meet the Members Event in the Grand Marquee at Wynyard Hall. This included a surprise visit from Peter Mandelson to canvas and a mock referendum with an overwhelming remain result so what do we know! The thing that impressed me though about the event was the number of businesses from the Tees Valley who were engaged in innovation and technology and selling their goods and services all over the world. There are so many hidden gems in this region and such an amazing skill base. We need to shout out about it so much more than we do and sell this region positively rather than just focussing on the bad news. This area has had and will have again unfortunately some bad times and we will have to deal with these with resilience but we are also doing some amazing things and everyone needs to know about them.

Thursday evening saw us attending the Northern Law Awards. Many people will be thinking I am sure they cannot imagine anything worse than a room full of lawyers but it was a great occasion and the winners should make us all proud of the legal services we provide in this area. Jacksons were proud to have been finalists in four categories and while we didn’t pick up an award this year we had a great time having a night out as a team and celebrating the hard work we had done and the successes we had in 2015. Look out for us in 2016! The evening finished just as the first referendum results were coming in and since then an hour hasn’t gone by without some new piece of news which takes me back to where I started – never a dull moment!

Jane Armitage.
DD: 01642 873713

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