TEESSIDE OFFICE 01642 356500
Since 1876

Employment Tribunals Fees

employmentRange of Fees

Please find below our estimated charges for bringing and defending claims for unfair dismissal in the employment tribunal.

In any given case, the charge will differ depending on the length and complexity of the claim. However, we have given three examples of claims we typically encounter and the factors which might influence which category a particular case might fall into.

Although our Employment Team are confident advocates and regularly represent clients in person in employment tribunal claims and court proceedings, for the medium and higher complexity cases, the charges are calculated up to the point of the Final Hearing. We have then set out the anticipated further charge separately if we were to appear on your behalf or if the decision was taken to instruct counsel.

Lesser Complexity Case

For example, a case where unfair or wrongful dismissal is the sole claim and the matter is fast tracked to a one-day hearing.

£8,480 + VAT (£10,176) based on 32 hours’ work if we conduct the advocacy.

In the region of £8,920 + VAT (£10,704) to £9,420 + VAT (£11,304) based on 28 hours’ work and estimated counsel’s fees of £1,500 + VAT (£1,800) to £2,000 + VAT (£2,400) if we instruct.


Medium Complexity Case

For example, a case with additional claims to unfair or wrongful dismissals, such as discrimination, or an unfair or wrongful dismissal claim requiring a Preliminary Hearing. Perhaps because the complaint is one of constructive dismissal, or where the case is listed for a Final Hearing of two or three days’ duration.

In the region of £10,070 + VAT (£12,084), plus

£2,120 + VAT (£2,544) for the First day of the Final Hearing and £1,590 + VAT (£1,908) for the second and subsequent days of the of the Final Hearing (so in the region of £13,780 + VAT (£16,536) for a two-day hearing case.


Higher Complexity Case

For example, an unfair or wrongful dismissal claim involving multiple discrimination complaints or complex ancillary matters such as whistleblowing allegations, where the case is listed for a Final Hearing of two or more days’ duration.

These costs can be from £12,720 + VAT (£15,264) based on 48 hours of work plus:

£2,120 + VAT (£2,544) for the First day of the Final Hearing and £1,590 + VAT (£1,908) the second and subsequent days of the Final Hearing (so from £17,444 + VAT (£20,932) for a three-day tribunal hearing.

The following factors mat make a case more complex:

  • If it is necessary to make or defend applications to amend claims
  • Provide further information about an existing claim
  • Defending claims that are brought by litigants in person
  • Making or defending a costs application
  • Complex preliminary issues such as whether the claimant is disabled (if this is not agreed by the parties)
  • The number of witnesses and documents
  • If it is an automatic unfair or wrongful dismissal claim. For example, if the reason for dismissal is because of a protected disclosure of an employee’s pregnancy or maternity leave


The fees set out above cover all of the work in relation to the following key stages of a claim:

  • Taking your initial instructions, reviewing the papers and advising you on merits and likely compensation (this is likely to be revisited throughout the matter and subject to change)
  • Entering into pre-claim conciliation where this is mandatory to explore whether a settlement can be reached
  • Preparing claim or response
  • Reviewing and advising on claims or responses from another party
  • Exploring settlement and negotiating settlement throughout the process
  • Preparing or considering a schedule of loss
  • Preparing for (and attending) a Preliminary Hearing
  • Exchanging documents with the other party and agreeing on a bundle of documents
  • Taking witness statements, drafting statements and agreeing their content with witnesses
  • Preparing bundles of documents
  • Reviewing and advising on the other party’s witness statements
  • Agreeing on a list of issues, a chronology, and/or cast list
  • Preparation for the Final Hearing or instructions to Counsel

The stages set out above are an indication only. If some of these are not required, the charges will be reduced. You may wish to handle the claim yourself and only have our advice during some of the stages. This can be arranged to suit your individual needs.



Disbursements are costs related to your matter that are payable to third parties. We handle the payment of the disbursements on your behalf to ensure a smoother process. Examples of disbursements in an employment tribunal claim include:

  • Instructing counsel (a specialist barrister to conduct the advocacy at a hearing) – counsel’s fees depend on seniority and would be agreed with you
  • Instructing an expert, such as a medical expert in a disability discrimination claim – again, the fee would be agreed with you before confirmation of instruction
  • Travel costs – we may need to charge for our reasonable travel costs if we are representing you in an employment tribunal or court outside our region. In the majority of cases, this will be the cost of a standard-class train ticket
  • Accommodation costs – we may need to charge for our reasonable accommodation costs if attending a hearing outside our region involves an overnight stay. In the majority of cases, this will be the cost of a reasonably priced hotel


How long will my matter take?

The time that it takes from taking your initial instructions to the final resolution of your matter depends largely on the stage at which your case is resolved. If a settlement is reached during pre-claim conciliation, your case is likely to take two to four weeks.

However, if your claim proceeds to a Final Hearing, your case will likely take much longer, perhaps 16 weeks or more. This is just an estimate and we will, of course, be able to give you a more accurate timescale once we have more information and as the matter progresses.


Who will deal with my matter?

Your matter will be handled by a suitable member of our employment team depending on the relative complexity of your case.

In some instances several members of our employment team may work on your matter if it is more cost effective for you for this to occur e.g your matter may be handled by a junior solicitor who is supervised by a more experienced member of the team.  You can find details of our employment team and their experience here.

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