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What would you like to see happen in 2019?

Posted on 7th January, 2019

As this is our first blog of 2019 I would like, on behalf of the Partners and staff at Jacksons Law Firm, to wish you a happy new year and all the best for 2019.

Looking forward to our hopes for 2019 I asked some of the partners at Jacksons what they would like to see for the firm, the region and the world in 2019 and here are some of their wishes.

For Jacksons:

  • That we preserve and grow a happy ship. Our clients and contacts can sense a professional and caring organisation and this culture is reflected in the optimism and warm hearted nature of the area
  • To continue to grow our base of customers who recommend us to others
  • That we continue to look after our staff and clients and to continue to invest in the careers and personal development of our staff
  • Continued growth for the firm with a view to making 2019 our most successful year ever
  • To raise a significant sum of money for our charity of the year 2019 – Dragonfly Cancer Trust
  • That this firm continues to be the supportive environment it is now and that all of our staff continue to grow in their careers and work together
  • Growth of some new areas of work

For the region:

  • An airport for Teesside
  • Continued increase in prospects for Teesside area through projects such as the opening of the Globe Theatre in Stockton, the opening of the Hampton Hotel, the buyback of the airport, the success of the university and investment in apprenticeship schemes
  • A resolution to the A19/A66 Tees flyover bottle neck
  • That people from outside Teesside visit the region and discover we are so much more than an industrial town
  • Continuation of the growing sense that Tees Valley is beginning to take control of its future in key areas
  • Support for the positive momentum
  • Recognition of the parmo as a European protected food type
  • Promotion for Boro
  • Some major new businesses moving into the North East
  • Less rain and wonderful weather for dog walking
  • The re-opening of Newcastle City Pool and Turkish Baths
  • An end to the Silverlink/A19 roadworks
  • Newcastle United to remain in Premier League, Sunderland AFC to be promoted to the Championship (and retain a manager)
  • Durham County Cricket Club to gain promotion
  • The Lumiere Festival returning to Durham
  • The Rugby World Cup – England’s last home game before the tournament against Italy on 6th September will be held at St James’ Park
  • Further development of Quayside West adjacent to Jacksons’ Newcastle office

For the world around us:

  • A lot less Trump!
  • Realistic, sustainable and balanced thinking
  • Health and happiness and progress in medical science
  • Lewis Hamilton winning a 6th F1 World Championship
  • Something other than Brexit leading on the news
  • A year free from natural disasters.

What are your hopes and wishes for 2019?

Jane Armitage, Managing Partner

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