Last week was a really busy week for all at Jacksons. Not only were we busy as ever providing advice and guidance to our clients, but also we had three great events.
The first was the latest in the series A Day in the Life of workshops led by our employment team. These interactive sessions have proved really popular and it was another full house on Wednesday morning to discuss Protected Rights in Employment. These workshops are based around a fictional company and consider a different topic each month. Next month the team will be looking at Equality at Work. If you have been going along to these sessions we hope they are proving useful. If you haven’t tried one yet, then it is not too late to sign up for one or more session as there are still a number of sessions left in the series, but sign up quick as places are limited and tend to fill quickly.
Event number two last week was our Stockton business breakfast club TS18. This breakfast club has given us a huge amount of pleasure this year, as it is always well attended with a lively crowd and we learn lots from the speakers. This month the club was sponsored by Robertson Simpson and they gave an enlightening talk on their practice including a case study on how they managed the dilapidations process at Innovation House for Jacksons. The photos brought back many memories for the Jacksons staff at least, but all our guests enjoyed a real life example of how such matters can be dealt with and the options for landlord and tenant.
The finale of the week though, was our drinks party on Friday evening just before the official launch of the Great Exhibition of the North. What a fabulous evening! Newcastle Gateshead Initiative had already kicked off the day with the switch on of a water sculpture on the Tyne and we were lucky enough to host our guests in the fabulous setting of The Secret Tower. We are used to being at The Secret Tower for breakfast, but it was even better than usual on a sunny summer evening and we thank everyone who joined us prior to the Quayside party.
I was lucky enough to go down to the Quayside later that evening and NGI must be really proud of their opening – a band on a barge, a special anthem, 100 drones lit with LED lights making shapes in the night sky and a fantastic firework display. What a brilliant evening! Next morning there was still a frisson of excitement in the air as Greys Monument was being turned into a colourful workers maypole as we walked through to the Hancock Museum for our chance to see Damien Hurst’s shark, Jess Ennis-Hills running shoes, a plethora of Northern inventions and achievements, including an early flying machine and of course the original Postman Pat and Jess the cat!
This is all before the Tall Ships come to Sunderland next month.
It is quite clear the North East is in for not just an event full week, but an eventful summer and I for one am really looking forward to it.