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Are Awards Important?

Posted on 8th May, 2018

I am writing this blog on a Friday afternoon before what is predicted to be a sunny bank holiday, so it would be understandable if I had better things to think about than awards, but the truth is I have attended award ceremonies for the last two Thursdays and last night, much to our surprise it was Jacksons’ commercial property team which was collecting an award at the Insider Media North East Property Awards. We knew we were shortlisted, but such is the nature of our team that we didn’t think for a minute we would win but yes we are absolutely delighted!

The week before, I was lucky enough to attend the finals of the North East Business Awards and watched the pure joy experienced by companies when their business won. I learnt loads about different businesses in the area and I was proud to be in business in the north east.

So, why do we enter these awards, and why do they matter so much to business? Is it just that our competitive nature kicks in and when we enter we want to win, or can these trophies mean more than that?

I cannot answer that question for anyone other than Jacksons, but I believe we enter awards for the following reasons:

  1. Putting an award submission together and, if you are shortlisted, selling your team at interview is a great way to build team spirit and to make a team assess the highlights of their year and sell them. We have always found this experience good for team morale.
  2. Being shortlisted for awards is great for raising the profile of a business. It gives you something to shout about and because it is a third party which shortlists you, or awards a prize, this is an endorsement of your business. This is an excellent way of endorsing your credentials therefore, when tendering for new business or introducing your business to new customers and clients. It is one way of saying “Look, we don’t just say these things we do them and X organisation agrees with us because we have this award.” I know the awards we have won, and those we have been shortlisted for, have helped us in this way. We haven’t won business just because there is an award in reception, but it has helped us when we are building up the picture of the type of firm we are.
  3. Whilst we work really hard, and like to think we are doing a good job, it is very good for team confidence and morale to have someone else endorse this. It is good to have a reason to celebrate. I appreciate some of the people who saw us on Thursday toasting with water must have wondered, but it was one of those nights when everyone was driving and don’t worry, the firm credit card will be behind a bar somewhere next week but I am not telling you where! Business can be tough, we all work extremely hard so having something to celebrate is good for a business. We need to keep everything in perspective but any good news needs to be celebrated and enjoyed. The next challenge will be waiting around the corner!
  4. If you don’t enter a competition you are never go to win one. If you enter you might be shortlisted and you might win. If you are proud of your team, and what they do, why shouldn’t they win. We all need belief, and if you believe in your team then why shouldn’t they win, and what have you got to lose by entering?  With a bit of luck you might win and deep down, whatever we say, we all like to win!

So to everyone who entered their business for awards, and have been attending ceremonies in the last few weeks, well done whether you were shortlisted or not, whether you won or not, because you had enough pride to put your business forward and to join the competition. And yes, there are many, many, many more significant and important things in life than awards, but there is nothing wrong with trying to engender the feel good factor.

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