Following the success of health and safety consultancy services provided by Jacksons Health and Safety Limited, the business is expanding its scope to include environmental and food safety advice. Principal Consultant, Mark Stouph, explains some of the new services which are now available.
Public awareness of environmental issues is once again putting pressure on business to change practices. Plastics in the marine environment, and a change in policy by China on recycling imports, have called the public to action and companies are having to review their environmental policies. Companies that are unwilling to adapt, or are slow to address environmental damaging practices, may find customers going elsewhere.
Having a sound environmental management system allows organisations to manage their risks, and eliminate, or reduce them. This is good business practice and can lead to a number of benefits including;
Legal and regulatory compliance
Enhanced reputation for the organisation
Customer loyalty
Reduced environmental incidents
Improved productivity and resource management
The ISO 14001 standard is recognised around the world as the leading environmental management system standard, and our consultants have assisted clients in establishing it in their business and achieving certification. Maintaining environmental legislation registers can be a significant burden on organisations and we can help with regular updates when the law changes. Environmental training is becoming a standard element for staff induction and ongoing refresher training, and we can provide bespoke courses focussed on your business having worked with a range of organisations from SMEs to international companies.
Some businesses are very closely regulated in terms of environmental performance, such as those in the waste management sector, and our consultants have advised clients on issues such as new environmental permit applications as well as variations to existing permits.
Our consultants are also experienced auditors, and can provide independent audits of your existing environmental practices with recommendations for improvements to reduce risks further. Even when things go wrong we can help with incident investigations to identify root cause analysis and actions to prevent future incidents.
Food Safety
High profile supply chain failures in recent years have thrown the food and drink sector into the spotlight and highlighted the importance of robust food safety control systems. We can provide advice on food labelling and packaging, food hygiene HACCP and supply chain security.
For more information on the consultancy services on offer, please visit the company’s website,, contact Mark Stouph at or call Mark on 01642 356 500.