Jacksons Law Firm is delighted to support Will Aid once again during October and November 2022.
The Private Client Team at Jacksons has been offering free Wills to members of the public through the Will Aid Scheme, which promotes a donation to a charity instead of paying the usual solicitor fees.
Will Aid is an annual fund-raising campaign which forms a special partnership between the legal profession and nine of the UK’s best-loved charities listed below:
Action Aid – Changing the world with women and girls. Ending violence and fighting poverty so that all women, everywhere, can create the future they want.
Age UK – Helping older people, their loved ones, and carers by providing information and advice on all areas relating to ageing.
British Red Cross – helping people in crisis, responding to disasters, conflicts, and individual emergencies here in the UK and across the world.
Christian Aid – Providing urgent, practical help in times of crisis and beyond.
NSPCC – Leading the fight against child abuse in the UK and Channel Islands.
Save the Children – Giving children a healthy start in life, the opportunity to learn and protection from harm.
SCIAF – Helping people in the world’s poorest places to lift themselves out of poverty.
Sightsavers – Working in over 30 countries to prevent avoidable blindness and promote the rights of people with disabilities.
Trócaire – Supporting communities in their efforts to improve their lives, meet their basic needs and ensure their human dignity in a way that is both long term and sustainable.
How does it work?
Jacksons’ Private Client team draw up a basic Will for clients without charging their usual fee. Instead, they invite their clients to make a voluntary donation to Will Aid. The suggested donation level is £100 for a basic single Will or £180 for basic mirror Wills.
With Will Aid, everyone benefits. Clients get a professionally drawn-up Will and peace of mind, while the charities receive much-needed donations for their vital work.
Since 1988, Will Aid has enabled the legal profession to raise over £21 million for good causes. The Will Aid charities work with the most vulnerable people in the UK and around the world, so that sum of money will have improved countless lives.
Over those years, Will Aid has encouraged and helped more than 310,000 people to make their Wills. By writing their Wills, these people may have spared their family the distress of coping with legal complications or having to deal with a Will which has been written by someone who is not trained in the legal profession, as well as losing a loved one.
If you would like to find out more information on how you can get involved with this charity initiative, then call our Private Client Team on 01642 356500/0191 2322574. We look forward to hearing from you.