In a week when the storyline of a Simpsons cartoon has become a reality it is difficult to know where to begin in writing this blog. However, writing on November 11th it feels that the important thing to do is not to worry about the future but to take a moment to remember those who have been killed or wounded in the service of their country and their families who have suffered horrendous loss and heartache and have seen their lives changed forever in a heartbeat. No-one will forget the sight of the poppies around the Tower of London demonstrating so powerfully and graphically the lives lost in the First World War. The sheer enormity of that carpet of red brought to life the extent of the sacrifice and loss in an emotional way that statistics however shocking could not touch.
This year, as well as remembering the sacrifices of past generations, the Royal British Legion in its Rethink Remembrance campaign is asking us to remember those of this generation who have made sacrifices to keep us safe. There have been 12,000 British servicemen killed or injured since 1945.
We read stories of the first world war in particular and hear of families where they lost not one son but several, villages where nearly all the young men failed to return. For most of us fortunately we cannot begin to imagine the devastation of losing a child of any age. We have all sent out children away on a trip or out in the car and felt a huge feeling of comfort and relief when we have heard they have arrived safely or we have seen them walk back through the front door smiling. As well as remembering our servicemen therefore we should this weekend spare a though for their families, some of whom have lost loved ones or had their lives changed for ever when loved ones return with terrible injuries but all of whom have kept their lives and those of their family going despite a nagging worry that persists throughout the period of a serviceman or woman’s tour of duty.
“Wherever you are my love will keep you safe” sang the Military Wives in 2011, the ultimate prayer of hope.
So I guess the purpose of this blog this week is to say that whoever is President, whatever hassle we have had at work, whatever new business ideas we have generated and however long our to do list for the weekend lets pause and remember those who gave their lives or their loved ones so we could worry about all these things.
Jane Armitage, Managing Partner