Since I wrote my initial blog back in February this year, a lot has changed. Nothing more obvious than the fact I am now working in the office full time, compared to when I started at Jacksons and worked from home, as per Government guidelines. For my first seat as a Trainee Solicitor supporting Partner Toby Joel and his litigation team, working from home felt like a daunting prospect. However, I quickly learned that this wasn’t as difficult as I anticipated it to be and all the members of the litigation team were so helpful and only ever an email or phone call away. I completed my first seat in litigation at the end of June, almost entirely from home, bar one or two days in the office. I really enjoyed my start to life as a Trainee and felt I had very much got to grips with the work I was doing and was becoming a useful member of the team, then of course it was naturally time to move on into a different department.
I moved into residential conveyancing at the start of July, again slightly nervous, as you do tend to feel like you are starting all over again in an area you are not so familiar with. This was accompanied by the fact that I would now be coming into the office on a daily basis. Two rather big changes happening at once! At first, this took some getting used to, you forget the small differences such as the time you need to get up, set off and get home etc. can all add up to feeling majorly different. However, after a couple of weeks I was into a good routine and thoroughly enjoying being in the office, getting know more of the staff members face to face and building more work relationships. This hasn’t changed and I really enjoy being in the office with the other members of the team.
In terms of the differences between the two departments, there are quite a few. The pace of the work is something which I noticed early on in my move. Here in conveyancing, files can be opened and closed within the space of a few months, which is quite different when compared to litigation where a lot those matters can be ongoing for years and years until they reach a conclusion. Also, I have found with conveyancing, it is quite procedural and structured, the majority of the files follow the same pattern and each require the same work and tasks to be done. Comparatively, litigation involves a much more varied form of work often with no two matters being the same and each one requiring a different approach or set of skills. I have enjoyed the differences between the departments and am grateful that I have already been able to try and develop a variety of different ways of working at an early stage.
The other staff members and trainees have been so welcoming and helpful throughout my time here at Jacksons. When I first made the transition into the conveyancing department I joined another trainee, Amy Tunnicliffe. During my first couple of months here Amy was crucial to me learning the ropes and was my first port of call with any questions I had. I really thought this was an excellent way for me to start in the department and there is no question this really helped me reach the level of understanding and knowledge I now have in the conveyancing process. Also, I should mention Jonathan Wall, the head of the department. Jonathan has such a vast knowledge of this area and has also been so important for me and key to everything I have learned so far. Despite his busy schedule and work load he has always taken the time to answer my questions and go through different tasks with me in great detail. I am especially grateful for this.
As I approach the end of my first year here at Jacksons, I can honestly say my experience could not have been better, even despite all the Covid difficulties. I feel as though I have developed my skills and knowledge immensely, with a major factor of this being the kind, knowledgeable and incredibly helpful staff we have here at Jacksons. I am excited for the new year and to move into my next seat in Commercial Property, where I know I will have another great experience.