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Jacksons' Blog

Waste Duty of Care


Do you know you have a waste duty of care imposed by law? Like many other people I have found myself working from home more than usual during the restrictions and if you are anything like me, you will have taken the opportunity to tidy up and clear out some rubbish that accumulates.

Banking Fraud – Be Alert!


In this week’s blog, Associate Lawyer, Leigh Ferguson from our Corporate Recovery and Dispute Resolution department is discussing Fraud, and in particular, Banking Fraud.
In the current climate fraudsters are utilising the disruption caused by COVID – 19.

Temporary provisions for COVID-19 in the Corporate Insolvency and Governance Bill


As anyone who has opened an e-mail recently will know, we are in ‘unprecedented times’.

Domestic Construction Disputes and Covid-19


Coronavirus has crashed into our lives and railroaded normal life, as we know it, since March 2020.  The impact is seen on a day to day basis throughout all elements of our lives socially and professionally.

The Property Market and the Pandemic


It is eight weeks to the day that an unprecedented lockdown was imposed across the UK, resulting in our offices being forced to close and restrictions being placed on the freedoms we all take for granted.

Returning to work and complying with legislation


It would be fair to say that the Prime Minister’s address yesterday evening has caused some confusion regarding returning to work.

VE Day – a time of reflection and celebrations


Tomorrow, we have a bank holiday to commemorate VE Day;  the end of World War 2 in Europe. It was always going to be a day of reflection but also of street parties and celebrations as there were on May 8th 1945.

Necessity the mother of invention?

Necessity the mother of invention?


With the world having to make sudden changes in the way we work and live our lives, this has, in the legal field, brought fresh challenges to our Private Client department particularly in relation to the execution of Wills.

Life of a litigator during lockdown


Today I should be reaching the end of a 6 day trial. And no, it hasn’t been adjourned due to Covid 19, it hasn’t gone ahead because the case settled last week.

Shared Contact with your Children During Quarantine


It is fair to say that the UK is currently facing a serious crisis.  Many separated parents will have the added stress of not only home schooling their children, but also how and whether to share the time of the children between each parent.
The Government guidelines are clear.

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The Legal 500 - Leading Firm 2019