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Since 1876

Jacksons' Blog

Do they know it’s Christmas time ?

Do they know it’s Christmas time ?


The festive season is almost upon us!  It traditionally provides us with a wealth of media showing happy extended families enjoying jolly get-togethers around a sumptuous roast.

Stamp Duty Reform 2018


The October budget introduced a correction to the previous year where first time buyers of shared-ownership properties seemed to be forgotten about.

We Will Remember Them

We Will Remember Them


This is a really special week and it is not because it was Bonfire Night on Monday or because Jacksons new practice management system has gone live but because at 11am on Sunday it is 100 years since the guns fell silent at the end of World War One.

Guy Fawkes Night


Fireworks and bonfires are used around the world to celebrate specific events and in Great Britain we celebrate Guy Fawkes Night on 5th November.  It commemorates the events of 5th November 1605 when Guy Fawkes was arrested whilst guarding the explosives planted below the House of Lords.

What to do with an extra hour?


Every year, since 1916 in this country, we have turned our clocks back in the autumn and forward in the spring. This ritual, designed to make better use of daylight and to improve productivity, is a bi-annual talking point when we consider losing or gaining an hours sleep.

To BID or not to BID… that is the question…


At Jacksons we have assisted a number of clients in successfully  establishing  BID companies in order to invest in specific projects and initiatives to help grow and promote the area in which they operate their business.

Mixed Sex Civil Partnerships


In between Brexit negotiations and becoming a Dancing Queen, Theresa May has found the time to announce that civil partnerships will now be extended to mixed sex couples.

Debt Recovery: Dealing with bad payers.


In the course of business, many of us strive to build up strong relationships with valuable customers. By valuable, we mean those customers who provide repeat business and consistently make payment on time and in full. In an ideal world, all customers would be this perfect.

Location, Location, Location


I have just returned from two weeks holiday to find Autumn well advanced and perhaps this, along with the milestone of Jacksons celebrating this week the anniversary of our move to Falcon Court, has put me in a reflective mood.

Electronic Signatures


Electronic signatures, also known as digital signatures, are commonplace in recent years.

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