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Jacksons' Blog

Holiday Blues


At this time of year many of us will be thinking about our summer holiday and looking forward to a well-earned break. Indeed for many, this is one of the main highlights of their year, something they have saved up for all year.

“ I’m gonna get me a gun “…..


For this week’s blog, I have invited Partner, Simon Catterall from our litigation team, to write an article relating to current firearm laws.

Q&A: General Data Protection Regulation


For this week’s blog, I have invited Legal Executive, Charlotte Alexander from our corporate and commercial team, to write a Q&A article on the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which comes into force next year.

Am I too young to make a Will?


Andrew Steel joined Jacksons last month as an associate solicitor in our Wills and probate team, working out of both Stockton and Newcastle. In this week’s blog, he tells us why we should think about wills before we are old and grey.

Challenging times


It is difficult to know what to write about this week when the country is reeling from another terror attack and the politicians are battling it out in the last few days before the election. In terms of the election, I intend to make no comment. We will all know the score tomorrow morning.

Skip Week


It was, what has become known as, skip week at Jacksons last week.

Health & Safety for Professionals


For this week’s blog, I have asked our health and safety consultant, Mark Stouph to give an outline of the packed lunch seminars he is providing on the subject of health and safety for professionals.

Time to cast your vote


Well, it is definitely election season. Theresa May has called a general election for 8th June, the French voted yesterday in their Presidential elections and on 4th May the people of Tees Valley will vote for a combined authority mayor.

Disappointed with allocation of School place for your child?


In the course of the working week things can get pretty stressful, but I think many parents will tell you there is little as stressful as waiting for that envelope which tells you whether your child has been allocated a place in the school of your choice.

A new inheritance tax relief – the Residence Nil Rate Band


We are told there are only two certainties in life –  death and taxes. For this week’s blog I have asked our private client team to talk about both! They have provided an update on the new residence nil rate band which came into effect last week.

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