The team at Jacksons is delighted to be have been given the opportunity to support the Inaugural Tees Tech Awards by sponsoring the small business category.
The Government’s guidance on the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) ( has struggled to keep up with the myriad of queries that keep cropping up as the weeks and months go by for those on furlough.
The COVID-19 global pandemic is undoubtably a defining event of 2020 and its effects are likely to continue throughout the decade.
The Chancellor, Rishi Sunak, yesterday announced that he was putting in place a stamp duty holiday to start with immediate effect.
North East law firm, Jacksons is delighted to welcome two Associate Solicitors; Sally Lomas-Fletcher and Stephen Robinson who have been recruited as part of the firm’s strategy to grow its Newcastle branch.
At the time of writing, government guidance is to “stay alert” and only go to work if you can’t work from home.
In the second of the Commercial Property videos, Erica is giving consideration to how Covid-19, and in particular The Cornavirus Act 2020, may change the position of landlords and tenants in transactions going forward.
It seems that most articles now are focused on the problems people and businesses are facing, caused by COVID-19. We have recently published articles on force majeure and frustration, for example.
The family department at Jacksons are proud to be able to support and assist clients during some of the most difficult and stressful time of their lives. We specialise in divorce, financial settlement, co-habitation and pre-nuptial agreements, domestic abuse and private children law.
The Government’s relaxation of the COVID-19 lockdown measures regarding the housing market will be a very welcome relief to families across the nation.
This move will have a far reaching impact, from couples buying together for the first time to those who are facing relationship breakdown.
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