Jacksons Law Firm recently caught up with Redcar based charity, The Link Charitable Trust to hand over a cheque for over £3,000.00 following a year of fundraising activities organised by the charity committee at the firm.
The first working Monday after the festive period is sometimes referred to as “Divorce Day” due to a spike in relationship breakdowns over the Christmas break. Relationships which are already struggling can crack with the added pressures the holiday can bring.
The high street continues to be a ground for concern to many commercial landlords with many tenants seeking to reduce rents and others falling into arrears.
Last week Slavisa Jokanovic became the first Premier League manager of the season to be sacked (surprisingly it has taken this long and it wasn’t Jose Mourinho!) which gives me an excuse to talk about dismissal and the different types of termination.
Award winning law firm, Jacksons is delighted to announce its new head of commercial property.
Partner, Erica Turner takes on her new role as the department continues to build upon its reputation for delivering excellent commercial property advice to its clients in the North East and beyond.
Marriage should be one of the happiest times in a couple’s life. It can also be very stressful and expensive. At the point at which they are considering seating plans, orders of service and flowers, it is prudent not to overlook what might happen in the event that the marriage breaks down.
Having practiced physical First Aid in the past I was intrigued to understand what a Mental Health First Aider (MHFA) was.
Can a Will be made or amended where somebody loses mental capacity?
As you will know Private Client Departments of Law Firms are always saying why clients should make a Will.
Jacksons Law Firm continues to grow with the appointment of new team members and staff promotions.
Amie Callan has been recruited to the firm as head of finance and is a member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accounts (ACCA) and the Association of Accounting Technicians (AAT).
I was recently put on the spot by our Managing Partner Jane Armitage at an event to name in my opinion the four main factors that should drive people to make a Will.
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