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Ambiguous Resignations

Ambiguous Resignations


A recent judgment in the case of East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust v Levy has reminded us that employers should give careful consideration to all the circumstances when deciding whether to accept employee resignations and whether or not that resignation can be withdrawn.

Co-ownership of Property

Co-ownership of Property


Wall v Munday [2018] EWHC 879 (Ch) sheds light upon the importance of addressing property affairs and in particular co-ownership, when a co-owner is faced with circumstantial changes affecting parties’ ownership rights.
A married couple held freehold property as joint tenants.

Jacksons Law Firm supports Dragonfly Cancer Trust


North East based Charity; Dragonfly Cancer Trust (formerly known as Josie’s Dragonfly) recently re-located to new premises at Mea House in Newcastle City Centre.  The charity begins a new chapter in the city after spending six years in Hexham.

Waiting for Rent Payment?

Waiting for Rent Payment?


In a commercial context, a landlord’s main aims are to ensure consistent rent payment of sums due under the lease. Where that is not the case, landlords will want to rectify matters as soon as possible. Considerations for deciding which method to adopt include:

Discrimination in the Workplace


As the Saville and Weinstein scandals have so starkly highlighted, certain conduct which may have been considered acceptable at one stage is rightly no longer being tolerated.

Making a Gift of Assets

Making a Gift of Assets


Many people like to make a gift of assets in their lifetime whether that be to help people in need, as a means of Inheritance Tax planning or out of pure generosity! To start or continue such a pattern of gifting where a person has lost mental capacity can prove difficult.

If you can’t stand the heat… get out of the office?!

If you can’t stand the heat… get out of the office?!


The summer 2018 heatwave appears to have come to an end for now but with reports that this type of summer heat might become the norm for much of the UK, how prepared are businesses to cope with the change?
The hot weather and sunshine have been great for barbecues, beer gardens and the al fresco lif

Inheritance Tax and Holiday Lets

Inheritance Tax and Holiday Lets


The Inheritance Tax treatment of furnished holiday lets has been a thorny issue for many years with Executors of estates and HMRC disagreeing over the correct interpretation and tax treatment in estates of people who die owning such properties.

Inheritance Tax: The Minefield

Inheritance Tax: The Minefield


The Office of Tax Simplification has recently published a report, which has been endorsed by the Law Society calling for a shake up of the current inheritance tax regime. The current rules surrounding inheritance tax are complex and ever changing.

Deputy at the Court of Protection: What are my responsibilities if i’m appointed?

Deputy at the Court of Protection: What are my responsibilities if i’m appointed?


In the unfortunate event of somebody losing their mental capacity there needs to be somebody to step into that person’s shoes to look after their financial affairs.

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