A recent case involving waste has highlighted the potential risks to commercial landlords and remediation costs that can be incurred.
Award winning law firm, Jacksons has announced that it has been appointed to the panel of legal advisors to the Tees Valley Combined Authority (TVCA).
In light of the recent arrival of the fifth in line to the throne, and as a new father myself, I felt it important to discuss exactly what you need to plan for in terms of your Will when you become a parent.
Jacksons Law Firm, is delighted to announce that they have been awarded Property Law Firm of the Year by Insider’s North East Property Awards.
Jacksons’ property team was shortlisted earlier this year, after submitting its nomination to Insider Media.
Domestic abuse unfortunately occurs daily, and recently Parliamentarians have given serious consideration to this important issue. The Government and the Home Affairs Committee in Ireland are seeking evidence on what measures and reforms are needed to tackle domestic abuse.
An energy performance certificate (EPC) gives a property an energy efficiency rating which is determined by reference to a number of factors, such as the age and type of the building, its heating, ventilation, cooling and lighting systems.
Recently the Nuffield Foundation has explored why defended divorce occurs and examines how cases are dealt with by the courts. The great majority of couples who defend a divorce base their argument over who is ‘at fault ‘and there is great argument over the need for reform.
Following strenuously contested proceedings before the Property Chamber of the First-tier Tribunal, Jacksons Law Firm successfully defended a claim for a right of way in favour of Mr Kitching against Middlesbrough Council (Clifford Kitching v The Council of the Borough of Middlesbrough REF/2016/1042
Jacksons Law Firm has been recognised for its legal expertise by being named as finalists for four Northern Law Awards for the third year running. In addition, the firm has been shortlisted for its non-legal work in the Law Practice Management category for the second consecutive year.
Jacksons Law Firm has boosted one of its property departments by appointing a residential conveyancing expert to head up the team.
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