Disability has always struck me as the odd one out among the nine protected characteristics covered by the Equality Act 2010 – with two additional causes of action (discrimination arising from disability and failure to comply with the duty to make reasonable adjustments), disability discrimination
Jacksons’ property team was shortlisted earlier this year after submitting its nomination and was selected following an interview by a judging panel consisting of business leaders from the region.
A break clause can be included in a fixed term lease and can be expressed as exercisable by either the Landlord or the Tenant, or both. The right to break may arise on an agreed fixed date, any time after a specified date or at any time throughout the lease term (known as a rolling break).
The IR35 rules reflect successive governments’ attempts to address a perceived form of tax avoidance whereby individuals provide personal service to a client or end-user through an intermediary rather than as an employee.
A wife in recent divorce case AAZ v BBZ [2016] EWHC 3234 (Fam) has been awarded 41.5% of matrimonial assets which amounts to £453 million and it is thought to be one of the largest divorce awards in the UK.
The husband is 61 and the wife is 44.
If you have separated from your partner and there is a child involved, the person whom the child does not live with should pay child maintenance arranged by the Child Support Agency (CSA) or the Child Maintenance Service (CMS).
The EAT has recently given judgment on three cases it heard at the same time in which it was required to determine whether workers who sleep-in during the night, to carry out duties if needed, carry out ‘time-work’ for the whole of their shift or whether they are only entitled to the National Mi
Many employers are familiar with their obligation to consult with their staff in a TUPE or redundancy situation, but there are other situations in which obligations to inform and consult may arise with which employers may be less familiar.
On 25 May 2018 the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) shall come into force in the UK.
The scale of the changes, when compared to what the current Data Protection Act (DPA) provides for, is huge especially for UK businesses only having a little over a year to prepare.
There has been a sparked debate recently regarding the issue of couples being treated differently depending on whether they are a same sex-couple or a mixed-sex couple.
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