A mortgagee’s power of sale arises as soon as a mortgage deed is executed however a mortgagee cannot sell or take possession of a property unless there is a default under the terms of the mortgage, most commonly non-payment of monthly repayments.
This week we have seen the Supreme Court unanimous ruling which has allowed an appeal by appellant Denise Brewster and stated that the requirement in the Local Government Pension Scheme (Benefits, Membership and Contributions) Regulations 2009 that the appellant and her late partner, William McMulla
In the past there has been a presumption that a father must have contact with a child even where there has been evidence of domestic abuse. Senior judges are now taking steps to try and end this as it could put the child or mother at risk.
The recent case of Millgate Developments Limited and another v Smith and another, Re: Exchange House, Woodlands Park Avenue, Maidenhead provides an insight into the factors considered by the Upper Tribunal in deciding whether a restrictive covenant should be modified or discharged following the deve
Each week we feature a short explanation of a piece of employment law jargon with the aim of highlighting to employers key points to be aware of within the jargon.
Jacksons’ property team was shortlisted earlier this year after submitting its nomination and was selected following an interview by a judging panel consisting of business leaders from the region.
The workplace, as we know, is changing. With flexible working, greater use of part-time and irregular hours, and the increasing ability to work from home, we are spending less time than ever at our desks.
All too often Sellers put their houses up for sale, with their selling agent, and then think there isn’t anything else to prepare for when a buyer has been found.
Think again and you could save yourself time and perhaps money.
Currency analysts FairFX has produced research on the price of a typical February half-term holiday.
It reports that an all-inclusive break in Barbados with Virgin Holidays, for two adults and two children, costs £2,919 in early February.
Adesokan v Sainsbury’s Supermarket Ltd [2017] EWCA Civ 22
Despite the prevalence of the term in commercial documents, particularly in clauses limiting liability, our civil law has no concept of gross negligence as distinct from simple negligence.
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