There have always been concerns within the legal profession that Brexit will have a negative impact on family law issues such as divorce and other proceedings.
In a recent decision, which might turn out be a rogue one (sorry), The Charity Commission, the independent regulator and registrar of charities in England and Wales, rejected an application for registration by The Temple of the Jedi Order, ruling instead that Jediism, the worship of the mythology of
As we kick off the New Year the Employment Team at Jacksons have plenty of events and activities planned to help support employers across the region and beyond with 2017 looking set to be a busy one. We will provide regular updates on all our events and activities across the region.
Each month we will feature a short explanation of a piece of employment jargon with the aim of highlighting to employers key points to be aware of within the jargon featured.
This month we are looking at whistle blowers.
The extent to which an employer may fairly rely upon a previous expired warning when deciding upon a disciplinary penalty has frequently caused difficulties.
Welcome to our latest bitesize update on items of interest to HR professionals and managers with responsibility for employment practice within the workplace.
As we approach the joys of the Christmas period, many employers will also experience trepidation at the potential for the unwanted consequences of their employees celebrating the festive season with a little too much vigour.
Staff at one of the longest established law firms in the North East, Jacksons, have rallied together to help regional charity; Helping Homeless Women in the North East by donating essential care and hygiene products.
This month, Jacksons’ matrimonial department were invited to speak on the BBC Tees breakfast radio show to discuss non fault divorce.
Welcome to our latest e-update on items of interest to HR Professionals and Managers with responsibility for employment practice within the workplace.
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