Jacksons Law Firm popped into to North East Charity, Butterwick Hospice, to handover a cheque for over £11,000 raised from various fund raising activities organised by the firm.
On 22nd June legislation came into force to delay the dates on which landlords may register exemption from minimum energy efficient requirements for private rented properties. The date for this registration was 1st October 2017 for domestic private rented properties.
North East based Jacksons Law Firm is the latest company to announce its approval as an Alternative Business Structure (ABS) by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA).
Following the successful application to the SRA, Jacksons became an ABS with effect from 1st July 2016.
With the European Union Referendum results now the subject of much furore both nationally and internationally Julie Dalzell, Senior Associate, Jacksons Law Firm, takes a look at the employment landscape moving forwards.
The commercial property team at Jacksons Law Firm recently advised new owners, Jim and Sally Abbot, on the purchase of The Vane in Long Newton.
In difficult economic times, individuals are right to question where every penny of their hard-earned money is going in life.
Yet many find it difficult, and perhaps unpleasant, to raise the same questions about where their assets will end up after their death.
Members of the North East Combined Authority Leadership Board have confirmed their support for the proposed devolution agreement for the North East.
North East based Jacksons Law Firm recently advised Ian and Carol Rae, the new owners of the Coachman Inn, Snainton, when they made the decision to buy the 240 year old establishment.
The Court of Appeal ruled yesterday that the Small Sites Exemption is lawful overruling the previous High Court decision. This exemption excludes schemes of 10 units (or 1,000 sq m) or less from the affordable housing provision.
One of the North East’s longest established law firms has expanded its presence to the North East Business and Innovation Centre (BIC).
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