Break clauses are becoming a regular feature in commercial leases particularly in the current market. Break clauses can be included to allow either the landlord or, more commonly, the tenant to terminate the lease early.
We draw your attention to three recent cases which have been decided and which have impact on property matters.
Planning to develop, extended or diversify? What can you do without planning permission?
Whether you want develop, extend or diversify your property it will be cheaper and easier if this can be done without having to obtain planning permission.
Climate change and energy policy
One of the principal ways in which the EU and the UK government propose to tackle climate change and meet their greenhouse gas emission reduction targets is through greater energy efficiency, including energy efficiency in buildings.
The current system of land registration offers a guarantee of registered title meaning the registered proprietor and anyone dealing with the registered proprietor can rely on the title as registered.
On 6 April 2015 the existing Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007 (CDM 2007) were replaced with the new Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015.
Over 20 local businesses have taken up the challenge. The entries will be judged at a finale in the magnificent setting of the Grand Marquee at Wynyard Hall on Thursday 4th June between 4pm & 7pm.
Special Offer
As a limited offer Jacksons Law Firm would like to give clients a 10% discount for all NEW Residential Property, Probate and Matrimonial instructions received up to the end of June 2015*
To take up this offer, please contact our offices offer@jacksons-law.
This event is expected to be of interest to companies:
– Planning to set up an overseas entity
– Selling or planning to sell their products internationally
Wednesday 6th May 2015, 8.30am – 11.
If you’re a first time buyer, save up to £200 a month towards your first home with a Help to Buy ISA and the government will boost your savings by 25%. That’s a £50 bonus for every £200 you save. You can receive a bonus of up to £3,000.
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